1. Take a Walk
Walk by your salon. Is the entrance inviting? If you were entering for the first time, what impression does the entrance make?
2. Sit Down
Take five minutes to sit in every chair a client would. Look around. Notice all the details a client would see from that perspective.
What does the client see, smell and hear?
3. Check Out the Menu
What services do you offer and how is that communicated to the client?
4. Find the Time
Notice how much time per week you spend on your business (as opposed to in your business).
5. Read
Open our monthly newsletter and blogs for great industry related information and up-coming events.
6. Set Goals
Writing out your goals clarifies your vision for future success. As the Cheshire Cat said "If you don't know where you are going, it doesn't matter which way you go".
7. Monitor
Touch into what your books have to say. Your numbers tell you tons about your business and team performance.
8. Celebrate Success
Acknowledging that targets have been achieved is extremely motivational. A simple congratulation, a gift or financial toked...rewarding staff creates loyalty. Have you an incentive program for your team?
9. Pay Attention to Social Media
What is your presence on the Internet? Did you know that there are over 850 million Facebook users? How are you using social media to your advantage?
10. Breathe
Breathing is very good for business!